sur EPH Group AG (isin : DE000A3LJCB4)

EPH Group AG Publishes Financial Figures for 2023

EPH Group AG has released its financial figures for 2023. The company reported a profit of €0.5 million for the short financial year, from April 19 to December 31, 2023. Total assets amounted to €6.7 million, with equity standing at €0.6 million.

In 2023, EPH Group issued a tourism bond with a volume of up to €50 million, featuring a 10% annual interest rate distributed monthly. The bond targets both institutional and private investors and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Vienna Stock Exchange, and since April 2024, on Euronext Paris.

The bond proceeds will fund the development of high-yield premium and luxury hotels and resorts. A project is underway on a 34,000 square meter site in the Kitzbühel Alps, Austria, with plans for a premium resort operated by a renowned international hotel brand.

EPH Group is preparing to list its shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange to strengthen its capital base. CEO Alexander Lühr expressed optimism, citing a robust project pipeline and sufficient liquid funds to seize short-term opportunities.

R. P.

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