sur ESG EKO AGRO Group AG (isin : CH0298294981)

ESG EKO AGRO Group partners with Romelectro to develop the first phase of Agri-Photovoltaics in Italy

The ESG EKO AGRO Group has announced a significant agreement with Romelectro Investments for the development of the first 170 MWp of Agri-Photovoltaics (APV) across Italy. This ambitious project will allow ten farms to revitalize their agricultural lands while producing green electricity through dual land use.

The initial installations will be located in the regions of Tuscany, Calabria, and Basilicata. The initiative will then expand to Umbria, Emilia-Romagna, and Apulia, for a total of 405 MWp across twenty farms. This commitment focuses on advanced systems in line with European directives, particularly the EU Next Generation Program 2030 adopted in Italy.

ESG EKO AGRO Group is collaborating with Romelectro Group, a prestigious EPC main contractor in Romania and internationally. Romelectro's expertise will ensure an efficient energy chain, from production to electricity supply, thus promoting green investments.

Salvatore Toscano, CEO of ESG Eko Agro Group, and Milona Filipoiu, CEO of Romelectro Group, have both expressed their enthusiasm for this partnership that aims to translate goals into tangible results for farmers, the main beneficiaries of these APV investments.

R. H.

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