Eurazeo Secures €300 Million for Planetary Boundaries Fund, Makes First Investment

Eurazeo announced the successful first close of its Planetary Boundaries Fund with €300 million secured, fulfilling 40% of the fund’s €750 million target. The fund attracted diverse institutional investors, marking a significant milestone in impact investing. It focuses on scaling environmental solutions within the Planetary Boundaries framework, aiming for substantial growth in small to mid-cap companies.
The fund's first investment is in Bioline AgroSciences, a leader in biological pest control solutions. By acquiring a majority stake in Bioline, Eurazeo aims to bolster its growth through organic strategies and acquisitions. This move aligns with the fund's goal to foster sustainable agriculture and addresses critical environmental challenges.
Bioline operates globally, specializing in high-value crops and contributing to pollution reduction, biodiversity protection, and climate resilience. This investment highlights Eurazeo's commitment to advancing profitable, science-based environmental initiatives.
R. H.
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