EUROPLASMA announces a reduction of its capital to compensate for its losses

The company EUROPLASMA, specialized in depollution, material recovery and decarbonization solutions, communicated on March 29, 2024 in Bordeaux, a resolution adopted by its Board of Directors to carry out a reduction in its capital. This decision follows the desire to compensate for losses by reducing the par value of the shares. The new par value is set at 0.0002 euros per share.

At the end of this reorganization, the company's capital stands at 571,004.5086 euros, distributed over 2,855,022,543 shares of 0.0002 euros each. This measure, of a technical nature, does not affect the number of shares in circulation but aims to maintain the share price at a level higher than its par value. This operation is part of the authorizations granted by the general meeting of June 20, 2023.

R. P.

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