sur The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

Evolution of the Vanguard Group's Position in LondonMetric Property plc

Vanguard Group, Inc. revealed its open position in LondonMetric Property plc on February 23, 2024. As of this date, Vanguard holds a significant stake, representing 5.20% of the shares with a total of 56,903,666 ordinary shares of 10p each.

This announcement comes against the backdrop of a mandatory public disclosure pursuant to Rule 8.3 of the Tender Offer Code, governing those who own interests in securities representing 1% or more. Additionally, Vanguard also said it is making disclosures regarding another party to the offering, LXi REIT plc.

Recent transactions include the purchase and sale of ordinary shares at a unit price of GBP 1.88; 816 shares were purchased and 16,872 were sold. No transactions in cash-settled derivatives or transactions in equity-settled derivatives (including options) have been reported. Likewise, no compensation or option arrangements have been declared by Vanguard, highlighting the absence of understandings or understandings that could influence the decision to trade or refrain from trading in these securities.

R. H.

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