sur NioCorp Developments Ltd. (isin : CA6544846091)
EXIM Advances NioCorp's Elk Creek Project to Technical Review
NioCorp Developments Ltd. announced progress in securing financial backing for its Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project in Nebraska. The U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM) is advancing NioCorp's application to an independent technical review as part of its second level of project due diligence.
EXIM has engaged RPMGlobal USA, Inc., based in Colorado, to conduct the review. This step follows NioCorp's successful completion of EXIM's initial Technical Review Committee-1 (TRC-1) in 2023. The upcoming Technical Review Committee-2 (TRC-2) will include an environment review.
A further review, TRC-3, will follow upon TRC-2's approval before a final decision by the EXIM Board of Directors. In 2024, EXIM had provided a preliminary financing term sheet to NioCorp, who has since partnered with JPMorgan Chase Bank to aid in obtaining financing for the project.
R. P.
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