sur FaZe Holdings Inc.

FAZE UPTM: New refreshing collaboration between FaZe Clan and GHOST®

FaZe Holdings, Inc. (FaZe Clan) and GHOST®, a leader in the energy drinks and sports nutrition products sector, have announced the launch of a new product, FAZE UPTM. Inspired by childhood citrus sodas, this new flavor joins the range of energy drinks and gamer products under the GHOST® ENERGY and GHOST® GAMER brands. This launch follows the resounding success of their first product from their collaboration, FAZE POPTM, which became the top-selling energy product at 7-Eleven stores in the United States in 2023.

FAZE UPTM promises a nostalgic taste experience with its lemon and lime aromas. Tommy "FaZe Temperrr" Oliveira, co-founder of FaZe Clan, highlights the innovative and familiar aspect of this flavor. On the other hand, Dan Lourenco, CEO of GHOST®, emphasizes the importance of nostalgic flavors for the brand. FAZE UPTM is currently available exclusively at 7-Eleven stores and GNC.

This collaboration between FaZe Clan, a world-renowned organization in the gaming industry, and GHOST®, known for its innovative products and strategic partnerships, demonstrates a shared commitment to offering products that meet the expectations of their respective communities.

R. E.

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