FDE repurchases shares through its share repurchase program

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action FRANCAISE ENERGIE (EPA:FDE).

Pontpierre, France, July 2, 2024 – FDE, energy producer with a negative carbon footprint, announces that it has repurchased 4,576 of its shares between June 24 and June 28, 2024. This initiative aligns with the delegation of competence adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders of November 30, 2023.

Transactions per day were carried out as follows: 1,295 shares on June 24 at an average price of €29.56, 478 shares on June 25 at €29.01, 612 shares on June 26 at €29.33, 1,793 shares on June 27 at €28.72, and finally 398 shares on June 28 at €28.94.

FDE now holds 2.98% of its capital. These buybacks were financed from available cash without impacting its financial capacity. The company remains focused on its organic and external growth projects.

The company's 2030 objectives are to achieve a turnover of more than 175 million euros and a gross operating surplus of 85 million euros, while avoiding more than 20 million tonnes of emissions of CO2eq per year.

R. H.

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