FIGEAC AÉRO Reports Robust Growth and Revises Targets Upward

FIGEAC AÉRO, a key player in the aerospace sector, unveiled its revenue of €303 million for the 9 months of 2024/25, marking a 9.6% rise year-on-year. The company attributes this growth to the steady performance of its Aerostructures & Aeroengines division, which recorded a 7.4% increase in Q3.
With solid financial metrics, FIGEAC AÉRO has revised its PILOT 28 plan targets, aiming for revenue above €600 million by 2028 and maintaining a leverage ratio below 2x. The aerospace sub-contractor sees accelerated deleveraging and improvements in EBITDA, which surpassed €100 million.
Amidst favorable market conditions, including a rise in global air traffic, FIGEAC AÉRO continues capitalizing on strategic initiatives. The firm also noted an increase in backlog value to €4.7 billion by the end of 2024. These updates signal strong prospects for achieving its long-term financial objectives.
R. H.
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