sur Gladstone Commercial Corporation (NASDAQ:GOOD)
Financial Results of Gladstone Commercial Corporation for the Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2023
Gladstone Commercial Corporation (Nasdaq: GOOD) has released its financial results for the fourth quarter and the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023. In the last quarter, operating income slightly decreased by 1.5% to $35,908 thousand, while operating expenses saw a 4.9% decrease, amounting to $28,136 thousand. This rigorous cost management helped offset the decline in operating income and decrease other expenses by 36.7%.
The net income remarkably surged, showing a growth of 154.0% compared to the previous quarter, reaching $4,551 thousand. Additionally, operational profits available to common shareholders and holders of non-controlling OP units also saw a significant increase, rising from -$1,416 thousand to $1,339 thousand. Funds from operations (FFO) experienced a growth of 10.2%, while Core FFO progressed by 6.5%.
Throughout the year, the company demonstrated resilience despite slight market fluctuations. Key indicators such as operating income, expenses, and net income showed effective resource management in a volatile economic environment.
R. H.
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