First Half of 2024: Resilient Performance and International Expansion for CRIT Group

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action GROUPE CRIT (EPA:CEN).

CRIT Group, a key player in temporary work and airport assistance, reported a strong performance in the first half of 2024. Revenue rose by 12.7% to €1,392.4 million compared to the same period in 2023, driven by the integration of the Italian company Openjobmetis (OJM).

The Temporary Work division, consisting of 82.2% of total activity, saw a 13% increase in revenue to €1,144.1 million. Despite weak economic growth, the division demonstrated resilience. In France, revenue slightly declined by 1% but outperformed the market. International revenue surged by 49.6% due to the OJM acquisition.

The Multiservice division, contributing to 19% of total activity, achieved an 11.9% increase in revenue to €264.6 million. Airport activities boosted this growth, showing an 11.5% rise in revenue.

EBITDA remained stable at €56.3 million, maintaining a margin of 4.0%. Temporary work contributed €36.6 million to EBITDA, while the Multiservice division added €19.7 million. The Group projects annual revenue exceeding €3 billion.

R. P.

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