sur Waga Energy (EPA:WAGA)

First injection of biomethane in Europe from hybrid biogas

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Waga Energy (EPA:WAGA).

On December 18, 2024, VALTOM and Waga Energy launched a biomethane production unit in Clermont-Ferrand that is unique in Europe. Fueled by biogas from waste from the Puy-Long site and the Vernéa methanization plant, it uses patented WAGABOX® technology. The biomethane produced is directly injected into the GrDF network, supplying local homes and businesses.

The WAGABOX® station offers up to 15 GWh of biomethane per year, equivalent to the consumption of 2,000 homes, and avoids the emission of 2,500 tons of CO2. This project symbolizes a major step forward in decarbonization, with an investment of 3.5 million euros, supported by crowdfunding. It strengthens local energy sovereignty.

R. E.

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