sur First Phosphate Corp. (isin : CA33611D1033)

First Phosphate Corp. collaborates with Prayon SA for the production of phosphoric acid

First Phosphate Corp., a Canadian company, has signed an agreement with Prayon SA, a Belgian company specializing in phosphoric acid technology. The agreement allows First Phosphate to use Prayon's technology to produce market-grade phosphoric acid in Canada. The planned plant will have a production capacity of 600 metric tons of phosphate (P2O5) per day.

For engineering services, First Phosphate has chosen Ballestra S.pA., an official partner of Prayon. In addition, a partnership with Norfalco-Glencore will ensure the supply of sulfuric acid required for production. First Phosphate plans to convert 500,000 tons of apatite into 190,000 tons of phosphoric acid per year.

R. P.

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