sur Forte Group Holdings (isin : CA3499331013)
Forte Group Establishes New Subsidiary to Enhance Brand Partnerships
Forte Group Holdings Inc., a lifestyle and wellness company, has announced the formation of a wholly-owned subsidiary, Forte Group Entertainment Inc., effective November 1, 2024. This new entity aims to expand brand partnership opportunities within the company's diverse portfolio, particularly for its TRACE BLACKwater and nutraceutical brands.
The creation of Forte Group Entertainment is aligned with the company's strategy to strengthen market presence and enhance the visibility of its products. CEO Marcello Leone emphasized the company's commitment to building partnerships that drive brand awareness in innovative ways.
Additionally, Forte Group has converted a promissory note amounting to $47,064.70 into 90,508 common shares, strengthening its financial position by reducing outstanding debt. The newly issued shares are subject to a restriction period.
R. P.
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