sur Forte Group Holdings (isin : CA3499331013)
Forte Group Holdings Announces Auditor Change
Forte Group Holdings Inc., a company that specializes in lifestyle and wellness consumer packaged goods, has announced a change in its auditing firm. Davidson & Company LLP will replace GreenGrowth CPAs Inc. as the new auditor, with the transition becoming effective on November 15, 2024.
The decision was sanctioned by both the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors of Forte Group. The company expressed gratitude towards GreenGrowth CPAs for their service, which included no reservations in their audit reports up to December 31, 2023. There were no disputes or unresolved issues reported in the transition process.
Furthermore, Forte Group has appointed Howard Blank as the Chair of the Audit Committee. He will be joined by Richard Coleman and John Campbell in the committee.
R. P.
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