sur Forte Group Holdings (isin : CA3499331013)

Forte Group Holdings Appoints New CFO

Forte Group Holdings Inc., a Vancouver-based diversified lifestyle and wellness company, has announced the appointment of Dallas Pretty as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary. Effective February 4, 2025, Pretty takes over from John Campbell, who steps down from his roles but remains on the board of directors to influence the company's strategic direction.

Dallas Pretty, armed with over two decades of experience in finance and management, joins Forte Group after leading Black Tusk Advisory Services. His background includes strategic business development, mergers and acquisitions, and financial reporting. Forte's CEO, Marcello Leone, expressed excitement over Pretty's appointment, emphasizing his proven financial leadership.

Forte Group, known for its alkaline and mineral-enriched beverages, expects Pretty's expertise to enhance its financial oversight as it pursues growth and strategic initiatives.

R. H.

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