sur Forte Group Holdings (isin : CA3499331013)
Forte Group Holdings Inc. Initiates Corporate Awareness Strategy
Forte Group Holdings Inc., a diversified company in lifestyle and wellness consumer packaged goods, has announced a new corporate awareness initiative to boost its visibility and shareholder base. The company aims to strengthen its position in the health and wellness beverage and nutraceutical sectors through this engagement.
The company has contracted AG for a European marketing awareness program costing €50,000. The program includes editorial write-ups, email marketing, search engine marketing, and native advertising targeting financial investors. This initiative is intended to increase the company's presence in premium beverage and nutraceutical markets.
Forte Group's CEO, Marcello Leone, emphasized the strategic importance of this engagement in reaching wider audiences. The company produces products under the TRACE brand and relies on a multichannel distribution network.
R. E.
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