sur FossID

FossID Introduces Expert Systems AI to Slash Manual Effort in Software Composition Analysis

FossID announced the launch of FossID Workbench 24.2, featuring a new AI-powered tool called ID Assist. This technology aims to reduce the time and expertise needed to operate Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools and generate accurate Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOMs).

The rise in the use of Open Source Software (OSS) presents significant risks. Developers often copy-paste code snippets and use AI coding tools, leading to potential vulnerabilities. ID Assist addresses this by mimicking the knowledge of expert software auditors, automating much of the review and validation processes involved in SCA scans.

ID Assist emulates the decision-making abilities of seasoned auditors using Expert Systems AI, reducing manual efforts. It accurately identifies open source code snippets, filters out secondary matches, and applies advanced scoring to determine the true origin of matches. This ensures confidence in the accuracy and completeness of SCA scan results.

FossID leverages over 20 petabytes of open source data and offers expertise in OSS audits since 2016. With the introduction of ID Assist, this extensive domain knowledge is now accessible to everyone through FossID Workbench 24.2.

R. H.

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