sur FREELANCE.COM (EPA:ALFRE) Reports Notable Growth in 2023 Financial Results

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action FREELANCE.COM (EPA:ALFRE). announced a revenue increase to €857.7 million for 2023, marking a 7% rise from the previous year, with organic growth accounting for 4%. The EBITDA also saw a significant increase, rising by 9% to reach €29.4 million. These results reflect the company's resilience amid international economic uncertainties and a slowdown in hiring, impacting the freelance sector.

Despite the positive growth in revenue and EBITDA, the company witnessed a decline in net income, which dropped by 19% to €14.5 million. This decrease was attributed to non-recurring losses and negative foreign exchange impacts, totaling a reduction of €3.7 million. Additionally, the company reported an operating income growth of 5%, which was affected by higher amortization from continuous IT investments.

Looking forward, remains cautious about the market conditions but expects slight organic growth with the integration of recent acquisitions potentially pushing revenues above the billion euro mark. The financial structure was strengthened with an 8% increase in cash reserves and a proposed dividend distribution, highlighting the company's sound financial health.

R. H.

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