sur FUCHS SE (isin : DE000A3E5D64)

FUCHS and Dumarey Group Unveil Hydrogen Engine Lubricant

On January 17, 2025, FUCHS Group and Dumarey Group announced the launch of a market-ready lubricant designed for hydrogen internal combustion engines. This lubricant is the result of a collaborative effort initiated in 2021, aimed at advancing sustainable powertrain technologies. The collaboration has also resulted in innovative lubricants for E-axle reducers.

FUCHS' Executive VP Carsten Meyer emphasized the importance of this collaboration for future propulsion systems, highlighting the potential of these lubricants to ensure optimal performance in hydrogen engines and electric powertrains. Dumarey Group's CTO, Pierpaolo Antonioli, noted the significant contribution of this partnership to sustainable automotive technology.

This development aligns with FUCHS's portfolio, enhancing solutions for new mobility applications, reinforcing both companies' commitment to innovation and sustainability in the automotive sector.

R. H.

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