sur FUCHS SE (isin : DE000A3E5D64)

FUCHS Expands South African Plant to Meet Rising Demand

FUCHS Group has inaugurated its expanded production facility in Isando, Johannesburg, South Africa. With an investment of EUR 26 million, this expansion aims to enhance FUCHS LUBRICANTS SOUTH AFRICA's presence in crucial sectors like automotive, mining, and industrial. The facility's expansion was officially opened on February 26, 2025.

The strategic growth effort began with a state-of-the-art grease plant in 2018 and the acquisition of a 3.2-hectare site in 2020. Phase 1 concluded with a new warehouse and head office in 2022. Phase 2 increased production capacity by over 40% with a new blending plant, improved storage, and new filling lines, enhancing overall efficiency.

Dr. Ralph Rheinboldt, board member, emphasized the milestone's significance in meeting customer needs and driving growth in Africa. FUCHS, operational in South Africa since 1992, reported EUR 125 million in sales in 2024, employing nearly 450 people.

R. P.

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