sur Galway Metals Inc. (isin : CA3645852086)
Galway Metals Reports 88% Gold Recovery at Clarence Stream
Galway Metals Inc. has announced significant metallurgical results from its Clarence Stream gold project in New Brunswick, Canada. The company reports gold recoveries as high as 88% at the SW Deposit. This area accounts for 70% of total gold ounces found at Clarence Stream. The company aims to enhance project economics through advanced metallurgical testing.
A second drill rig has been added to target shallow areas and expand the North Deposit, with plans for a third rig in April focusing on new discoveries. Ongoing efforts include optimizing antimony recovery, as prices for this strategic bi-product have surged.
During 2024, testing confirmed 84-88% gold extraction viability through cyanidation, with alternative treatment methods also being evaluated. Follow-up tests in 2025 will continue to refine the recovery processes.
R. P.
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