sur Galway Metals Inc. (isin : CA3645852086)

Galway Metals Reports Significant Gold Intersections at Clarence Stream

Galway Metals Inc. has announced assay results from 12 diamond drill holes at the Clarence Stream high-grade gold project in New Brunswick, Canada. The latest results highlight 26.9 g/t gold over 8.6 meters, including a high of 368.0 g/t over 0.5 meters, underscoring the potential for resource expansion. The project's mineral resource estimate, updated in 2022, indicates significant gold and antimony resources, vital given recent global economic shifts.

President and CEO Rob Hincliffe emphasizes the importance of these findings amid increasing antimony prices following China's export restrictions. Galway plans further exploration to enhance the project's economic potential and resource continuity. The company aims to expand both gold and antimony resources, while global market trends make these strategic minerals even more crucial. Ongoing drilling targets untapped high-grade zones, critical for meeting future demands.

R. P.

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