sur Gamehost Inc. (isin : CA36468B1040)

Gamehost Announces December Dividend Payment

Gamehost Inc., listed on the TSX under the symbol GH, has declared a monthly cash dividend of $0.05 (CDN) per common share for December 2024. This amounts to an annualized dividend of $0.60 (CDN) per share. Shareholders recorded by December 31, 2024, will receive the payment on January 15, 2025.

The declared dividend qualifies as an "Eligible Dividend," providing Canadian shareholders access to enhanced tax benefits, including the gross-up and dividend tax credit. Gamehost operates predominantly in Alberta, Canada, with properties such as the Rivers Casino & Entertainment Centre in Ft. McMurray and various hotels and casinos in Grande Prairie and Calgary.

For further information, shareholders can visit the company's website or review disclosures on SEDAR.

R. H.

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