sur GameSquare Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:GAME)

GameSquare Announces Successful Activations Driving Consumer Engagement

GameSquare Holdings, based in Frisco, Texas, revealed that it has launched several virtual world building activations during the first quarter of 2024, attracting the attention of prestigious global brands. Having generated more than four million game entries over the past two months, these advertising campaigns, reaching six-figure budgets, have contributed to the engagement of the company's brand partners. Clients include a fast-growing sports drink brand, a major payment technology company and one of the world's largest fast food chains.

GameSquare has distinguished itself by creating unique and innovative experiences through games popularizing the metaverse style such as Fortnite, Roblox and Grand Theft Auto. Justin Kenna, CEO of GameSquare, highlights the importance of this creative approach in promoting brands, making the experience both entertaining and authentic for players. The company's ability to innovate in world-building shows its growth potential in an immersive entertainment market expected to reach $426.77 billion by 2030, according to Grand View Research.

GameSquare's analytics platform, Stream Hatchet, says UEFN worldbuilding and creative innovations today represent the modern equivalent of the billboard or TV spot, connecting brands to wider audiences and creators of content, particularly for Generation Z.

R. H.

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