sur Energy S.p.A. (isin : IT0005500712)
GBC Research Boosts Energy S.p.A. with Buy Rating and a Target Price of EUR 2.75
Energy S.p.A., a prominent player in the field of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), has recently been covered by GBC Research with a buy recommendation and a target price of EUR 2.75 per share. The announcement comes as the company exhibits strong market traction within the Italian arena and is preparing for significant international growth.
The current market value of Energy's shares stands at about EUR 1.35. With the ongoing global surge in renewable energy uptake, the demand for effective storage solutions like those provided by Energy is escalating. Analysts view Energy's well-established position in the domestic market as a fertile ground for their expected financial growth, spurring an increase in both revenue and profits in the forthcoming years. By 2026, Energy’s revenue is anticipated to hit EUR 83.46 million with an EBITDA of EUR 14.70 million.
R. H.
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