sur Geberit AG (isin : CH0030170408)

Geberit AG Reports Solid Performance Amid Challenging Conditions

Geberit AG has reported strong results for the first nine months of 2024, despite facing significant challenges. The building construction sector's decline and adverse currency fluctuations did not hinder the company's performance. The Geberit Group achieved volume growth and maintained high operational profitability. In Swiss francs, net sales increased slightly by 0.4%, reaching CHF 2,400 million, while currency-adjusted growth stood at 3.1%.

The operating cash flow (EBITDA) was CHF 754 million, with the EBITDA margin improving by 10 basis points to 31.4%. Earnings per share decreased by 1.4% to CHF 15.13, although they rose by 3.1% in local currencies amidst a higher tax burden from OECD's new taxation rules.

Looking ahead, management anticipates net sales growth of 1 to 2% in local currencies for 2024 and expects the EBITDA margin to be around 29.5%.

R. P.

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