sur Geberit AG (isin : CH0030170408)

Geberit Navigates Challenges with Resilient Performance

Amid a turbulent year for the construction industry in Europe, Geberit AG reported robust operating results. Despite the sector's decline, the company saw increased sales, partly due to the success of new product launches. Operating margins remained close to last year's figures, successfully offsetting impacts from wage inflation and a stronger Swiss franc.

Geberit's strategic stability supported its completion of key investment projects, underpinning its market leadership in sanitary products. In 2024, net sales remained at CHF 3,085 million; currency-adjusted, this represented a 2.5% increase. Operating cash flow dipped by 0.9% but rose 2.7% after currency adjustments.

The EBITDA margin contracted by 30 basis points to 29.6%, while the net income declined by 3.2% to CHF 597 million due to a higher tax rate driven by new OECD laws. Earnings per share dropped by 1.8% to CHF 18.06.

R. E.

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