sur Genel Energy (isin : JE00B55Q3P39)

Genel Energy Enters Exploration Agreement in Oman

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Genel Energy (EBR:GENL).

Genel Energy PLC has signed an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) for Block 54 in Oman. This agreement marks Genel's entry into the region with a 40% participating interest. Partnering with OQ Exploration & Production SAOG (OQEP), holding a 60% interest, Genel aims to explore the Karawan Concession.

The concession spans 5,632 km² in Oman's Al Wusta Governorate, near current production sites. Over three years, Genel and OQEP plan to invest $25 million in testing, drilling, and 3D seismic acquisition. OQEP, a subsidiary of Oman’s state-owned OQ SAOC, recently went public on the Muscat Stock Exchange.

Paul Weir, CEO of Genel, emphasizes Oman as a strategic diversification opportunity due to its stable regulatory environment. This move aligns with Genel's goal to diversify its portfolio and cash generation, establishing a significant footprint in Oman.

R. E.

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