sur Gimv (EBR:GIMB)
Gimv Invests in CNC Automation Leader RoboJob

Gimv has acquired a stake in RoboJob, a key player in CNC automation, aligning with the founding De Roovere family to accelerate RoboJob's global expansion. RoboJob specializes in developing user-friendly automation solutions for the CNC market, aiming to enhance its growth and market presence through Gimv’s investment.
Based in Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium, RoboJob has been a pioneer in CNC automation with over 2,000 robots installed in more than 30 countries, employing around 70 people. Recent advancements include the introduction of the 'Wall' solution and an AI-based vision system, 'Pallet-Load Integrated'.
The partnership with Gimv underlines RoboJob’s innovative drive and solid foundation, positioning the company to capitalize on international opportunities in the manufacturing industry. Financial details of this transaction remain undisclosed.
R. H.
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