sur Fineqia (isin : CA31788W1023)
Global Digital Asset ETPs Show Resilience Amid Market Fluctuations
Fineqia International Inc. reported a significant 68.4% increase in Assets Under Management (AUM) for digital asset-based Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) on a year-on-year basis. Despite February's challenging market conditions, with a 19% drop in AUM to $135.7 billion, the demand for digital asset ETPs remained robust, suggesting investor confidence. Bitcoin and Ethereum, key components of these ETPs, saw significant price declines, yet their AUMs demonstrated notable year-on-year growth.
Bitcoin's AUM rose by 92.1% over the past year despite a February drop, while Ethereum's AUM decreased by 24.2%, in line with its price decline. Diversified cryptocurrency ETPs fell by 24.1% in February but grew by 16.5% over the year. Alternative coin ETPs also exhibited strong annual growth, rising by 81.5%.
The data indicates a sustained interest in digital asset ETPs, highlighting their appeal amid volatile market conditions, revealing the structured financial products' market strength.
R. P.
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