sur Atlantic Lithium Limited (isin : GB00BD2ZT390)

Global Ports Holding PLC Announces Change in Major Holdings

Global Ports Holding PLC has reported a notable change in its major holdings, as detailed in a recent notification of major holdings. According to the announcement, the event leading to this notification is described as an event changing the breakdown of voting rights. The specific details pertain to a change in the shareholding structure of the company, with the date of the threshold being crossed or reached on 28 March 2024.

The recorded change has shown a reduction in the percentage of voting rights held by Global Yatırım Holding A.Ş., a company based in Istanbul, Turkey. As of the stated date, Global Yatırım Holding A.Ş. now holds 58.964% of the voting rights, a decrease from their previous holding of 66.3044%. The total number of voting rights now held is 45,068,066. The shares in question are identified by the ISIN code GB00BD2ZT390. Notably, the notification did not declare the ownership of any financial instruments that could lead to a further acquisition of voting rights.

This shift marks a significant change in the control dynamics within Global Ports Holding PLC. For further details, the event has been properly notified to relevant parties including the issuer and the FCA, and the completion of this declaration was done in Istanbul on 28 March 2024.

R. H.

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