sur GovMint

GovMint Announces the Historic Fairmont Collection Reserve+

GovMint has unveiled a remarkable collection of vintage $20 Gold Liberty Double Eagle Coins as part of its Fairmont Collection Reserve+. This subset of the larger Fairmont Collection consists of pre-1933 U.S. gold coins, chosen for their exceptional luster and beauty.

Each coin has been graded by the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) and has received the prestigious "+" designation, indicating top-tier quality and eye appeal. The coins are encased in museum-quality slabs with a custom black label, housed in a presentation case featuring the collection's logo.

Designed by James Longacre, these coins showcase Liberty on the obverse and a heraldic eagle on the reverse. The coins, once the largest denomination of U.S. currency, were primarily used by merchants and banks, making them rare today.

"These coins from the Fairmont Collection Reserve+ are not only of exceptional quality but also hold significant historical value," said Ted Smetana, Chief Commercial Officer at GovMint. GovMint holds worldwide exclusivity for these coins, which are available at

R. P.

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