sur Grid Metals Corp. (isin : CA39814L1076)

Grid Metals Corp Announces CFO Appointment and Updates on Cesium Projects

Grid Metals Corp, a company focused on critical metals projects in southeastern Manitoba, has appointed Arif Shivji as its new Chief Financial Officer. Shivji brings 27 years of financial expertise to the role, including experience with public companies and exchanges.

The company has also updated its financial position by amending the Bisset gold facility lease, reducing payments from $510,000 to $400,000. This amendment, along with current working capital of $900,000, augments Grid's financial stability.

In their cesium projects, Grid has completed 28 drill holes at the Donner lithium-cesium property. Notably, the drilling confirms the presence of a cesium-rich mineral, pollucite. The company has also submitted a permit application for its Falcon West project, with previous drilling highlighting significant cesium intercepts.

R. H.

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