Groupe Beneteau Finalizes Sale of Housing Business to Trigano

On December 3, 2024, Groupe Beneteau confirmed the completion of the sale of its Housing division, BIO HABITAT, to Trigano. This transaction received approval from the French Competition Authority at the end of October 2024. The sale includes brands like O'HARA, IRM, and COCO SWEET, along with all employees based in France and Italy. The closing of the deal was finalized on November 30, 2024.
Bruno Thivoyon, CEO of Groupe Beneteau, highlighted Trigano's potential to boost these brands' growth in European markets, thanks to its expertise in vehicles and leisure equipment.
Founded in 2007, BIO HABITAT is a leader in designing mobile homes for rental and residential markets in Europe. The division recorded €320 million in revenue in 2023, constituting 18% of Groupe Beneteau's total turnover.
R. H.
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