Groupe Beneteau Receives Approval to Sell Housing Division to Trigano

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BENETEAU (EPA:BEN).

Groupe Beneteau has secured approval from the French Competition Authority to sell its Housing division to Trigano. The division, known for manufacturing leisure homes, will transfer entirely, including its subsidiary BIO HABITAT and brands O'HARA, IRM, and COCO SWEET, along with all employees in France and Italy. The transaction is set to complete by the end of 2024.

The deal supports Groupe Beneteau’s strategy to focus on its core boating expertise. The sale will enhance the company's financial capacity to foster its Boat division's growth and continue technological advancements. CEO Bruno Thivoyon welcomes the decision, emphasizing Trigano's role in expanding the acquired brands across Europe.

Proceeds will also fund efforts to address environmental challenges and explore new industry segments, aiming for a significant reduction in CO₂ emissions by 2030.

R. E.

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