sur Henderson Auctions
Henderson Auctions hosts its annual spring auction for contractors
Henderson Auctions, a global leader in the field of construction equipment auctions, enthusiastically announces its annual spring auction for contractors taking place on March 14th and 15th. This event, to be held in Livingston, Louisiana, promises to attract contractors, government agencies, and auction enthusiasts.
For over 67 years, Henderson Auctions has maintained an impeccable reputation built on integrity and service. The first day of the auction will feature a selection of service trucks, dump trucks, heavy trucks, trailers, containers, and more. The second day will showcase construction, industrial, and manufacturing equipment. Potential buyers have the opportunity to preview items by visiting the Henderson Auctions website, enhancing their auction experience.
Easily accessible, particularly due to its proximity to the New Orleans International Airport, the Henderson Auctions site offers a advantageous location for both local and international buyers. Jeff Henderson, President of Henderson Auctions, highlights the company's commitment to bringing buyers and sellers together in an enchanting environment.
For more information about the annual spring auction for contractors and to preview items for sale, please visit the website
R. P.
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