sur HexaBuild, Inc.

HexaBuild Extends Partnership with Infoblox for IPv6 Educational Series

PHOENIX, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / June 26, 2024 / Technologies such as cloud, software containers, IoT, and mobile devices require more addresses than IPv4 can provide. With the Office of Management and Budget's M-21-07 mandate requiring all federal agencies to migrate at least 80% of IP-enabled assets to IPv6-only environments by the end of fiscal year 2025, the demand for IPv6 is growing.

HexaBuild is leveraging its experience in IPv6 deployment to support this mandate through a series of educational videos and workshops. These resources aim to assist organizations in transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6. HexaBuild's first session will demonstrate configuring IPv6 on an Infoblox NIOS system, establishing IPv6 DNS, and DHCPv6 services.

This webinar, scheduled for July 17 at 10 AM Pacific time, is part of a free educational series hosted by Carahsoft. The series aims to provide practical training on IPv6 configuration. Two more webinars will follow this year, focusing on IPv6 address planning, management, and configuring IPv6-only networks using Infoblox.

R. E.

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