HEXAOM Acquires Majority Stake in HDV Group
HEXAOM has completed the acquisition of a 75.5% stake in HDV Group, a company with over 25 years of experience in home building. HDV Group, based near Bordeaux, offers a variety of home brands and employs 130 people. The group operates in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and Loiret department.
Despite the acquisition, Didier Vicens and three managers will retain their 24.5% ownership and current roles, ensuring continuity in leadership. HEXAOM CEO, Loïc Vandromme, highlighted shared values and financial strengths as key factors for the acquisition, enhancing HEXAOM's presence in key regions.
Didier Vicens, CEO of HDV Group, emphasized the benefits of joining HEXAOM, noting improved operational efficiency from synergies in procurement and IT systems.
R. P.
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