sur Lakestar SPAC I SE (isin : LU2290523658)

HomeToGo Agrees on Terms for Interhome Acquisition

HomeToGo SE has announced an agreement on key terms for acquiring Interhome, a major vacation rental management company. The deal involves discussions with Migros following an auction process, reaching an expected purchase price in the low three-digit million range in Swiss francs. This significant transaction aims to incorporate Interhome's vast offering of 40,000 vacation rentals across 28 countries into the HomeToGo Group.

The acquisition is anticipated to bolster HomeToGo’s profitability significantly. Pro-forma estimates suggest that, upon completion, the combined entity's 2024 IFRS Revenues could exceed €330 million, with an Adjusted EBITDA surpassing €30 million. The financing strategy includes a capital increase, a senior debt facility, and existing net cash. However, the deal's finalization remains contingent on regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.

R. P.

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