HOPIUM: Approval of the Recovery Plan by Shareholders

On January 6, 2025, in Paris, Hopium shareholders met to review the company's recovery plan. Chaired by Ms. Isabelle Didier, judicial administrator, the meeting brought together holders of 153,947,379 shares, representing 19.76% of the voting rights. No quorum requirement was required for this particular procedure.
During this consultation, Hopium's social and economic committee (CSE), composed of seven employee members, unanimously supported the plan. They expressed their confidence in the project, particularly for its ability to preserve jobs and ensure the future of the company, notably thanks to the potential of the fuel cell.
Shareholders approved the plan almost unanimously (99.8%), demonstrating their support and confidence in the company. A webinar is scheduled for January 16 to present the recovery plan in more detail.
R. H.
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