HOPIUM at the 8th edition of the Hyvolution trade fair

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HOPIUM (EPA:ALHPI).

HOPIUM, a cleantech company specializing in the decarbonization of heavy transport, will participate in the 8th edition of the international Hyvolution trade show, a key event for the hydrogen industry. This show will take place in Paris, Porte de Versailles, from January 28 to 30, 2025.

Hyvolution brings together hydrogen players in three key markets: mobility, energy and industry. With 600 exhibitors expected, HOPIUM will showcase its 100 and 200 kW fuel cell technologies. The company aims to strengthen its relationships with partners and establish new ones.

HOPIUM considers Hyvolution as a business accelerator and innovation hub, contributing to its strategy of democratizing fuel cell technology. This event is crucial to consolidate its advanced technological position.

R. E.

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