HOPIUM presents its recovery plan

On December 13, 2024, HOPIUM unveiled its draft recovery plan proposing to reduce its total liabilities to €9 million. This plan, which will be submitted to a vote of creditors and shareholders, requires financing of €8 million in 2025 and €30 million until 2028. The company is considering a capital increase of €8 million, the maintenance of which the preferential subscription right could lead to significant dilution for existing shareholders.
HOPIUM is now focusing on fuel cell systems for heavy-duty transport, in response to environmental requirements. After successful road trials, the commercialization of its products is planned for early 2025. The restructuring of the company has involved a reduction in staff, concentrating efforts on their production site in Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure. Finally, a partnership with K-Challenge is underway to power boats, with other orders under consideration in aeronautics.
R. H.
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