HOPIUM: Successful testing of the 200 kW dual stack for maritime

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HOPIUM (EPA:ALHPI).

HOPIUM, a company specializing in the decarbonization of heavy transport, announces the successful completion of test bench tests of its 200 kW dual fuel cell in Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure. This achievement is part of the K-Challenge project, marking the first maritime application of this technology.

The dual stack, consisting of two 100 kW units, will equip a support boat of the Orient Express Racing Team. Tests have confirmed proper operation in “dual-stack” mode, with optimal performance and fluid distribution.

The next step is to integrate the batteries into a protective housing, designed for maritime requirements, which will be presented at the Hyvolution show in Paris. This advance reflects Hopium’s expertise in complex systems and paves the way for new applications in the maritime sector.

R. E.

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