HOPIUM unveils amended recovery plan in webinar

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HOPIUM (EPA:ALHPI).

On January 23, 2025, HOPIUM presented its draft amended recovery plan during a webinar, attracting nearly 180 participants. The Atlas Special Opportunities fund is committed to financing the company up to €12.5 million over 15 months via Convertible Bonds. This financing will allow for better cash management and the maintenance of activities until 2026.

Despite its dilutive nature, this financing is strategic for HOPIUM in order to support its development and production, particularly in Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure. The company maintains its commitment to creditors who have pre-ordered a Machina. The amended plan will be examined and voted on in February 2025.

HOPIUM continues its commitment to sustainable development targeting the heavy transport sector. It has already generated requests for quotes, thanks to its technological advances in fuel cells. HOPIUM's mission remains unchanged: to offer a competitive alternative to diesel by 2030.

R. H.

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