HOPIUM: Webinar postponed to January 22, 2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HOPIUM (EPA:ALHPI).

HOPIUM, a company specializing in the decarbonization of heavy transport, informs of the postponement of its webinar initially scheduled for January 16, 2025. Indeed, in order to better prepare the communication on the future stages of their development, the new date is set for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. The online meeting will be held at 6 p.m. and is open for registration via the company's website.

This postponement comes as HOPIUM prepares to market a new range of modular solutions for hydrogen fuel cell electric powertrains, with power ranging from 100 kW to 400 kW. Shareholders and the market are invited to stay tuned for upcoming announcements to be made during this webinar.

R. P.

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