sur Post Harvest Technologies

Howard Haynes Appointed President of Facilities Management Group, LLC

Facilities Management Group, LLC (FMG), a company based in Scottsdale, AZ, and Salinas, CA, specializing in post-harvest agricultural facility management, announces the appointment of Howard Haynes as president. This change in leadership, announced by Jim White, president and CEO of Post Harvest Technologies, Inc., the owner of FMG, comes amidst a strengthening of leadership skills within the company.

Howard Haynes, a former naval officer and Gulf War veteran, brings a wealth of experience in executive management. With qualifications in civil engineering and business administration, Haynes has managed projects in various sectors including construction, healthcare, and national defense. His expertise in facilities lifecycle management is considered a significant asset for FMG.

FMG, operating from Scottsdale, AZ, Salinas, CA, and Yuma, AZ, provides key services in the agricultural cold storage industry. Through its specialized divisions, the company handles facility management, manufactures pre-cooling equipment, and offers consultations to optimize operational efficiency and safety. The company's mission focuses on innovation and disruption in the post-harvest supply chain.

R. H.

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