HRS Wins Strategic Contract for 1 Tonne/Day HRS40 Plant

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HYDROGEN REFUELING (EPA:ALHRS).

Grenoble, 29 June 2024 - HRS, a French designer and manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations, announces its selection to supply, commission, and maintain a large-capacity hydrogen refueling station. This initiative aims to accelerate the decarbonization of heavy mobility.

HRS will deploy an HRS40 station with a capacity of 1 tonne of hydrogen per day, featuring innovative tank filling protocols for optimal efficiency and safety. HRS is also responsible for the complete installation, including distribution and storage infrastructure. The station is set to be operational by the end of 2025. HRS will ensure ongoing maintenance to guarantee long-term performance and reliability.

This project strengthens HRS's position in the hydrogen infrastructure sector for heavy-duty mobility in France. Hassen Rachedi, CEO of HRS, expressed pride in their team's commitment and expertise, which are key to their success in advancing the energy transition.

R. P.

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