sur SuperGroup (isin : GB00B60BD277)

Hudson Management Limited Discloses Over 1% Interest in Superdry plc

Hudson Management Limited has publicly disclosed its holding in Superdry plc, revealing a significant stake in the fashion retailer. According to a recent Form 8.3 filing, Hudson Management Limited, through its representative David Haynes, owns 1,073,256 ordinary shares of Superdry plc, equivalent to a 1.08% stake. This disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, highlighting dealings and open positions in relevant securities of companies involved in acquisitions.

The filing indicates a recent purchase of 200,000 ordinary shares at a price of 26.95p each on 18th March 2024, underlining active engagement with Superdry plc's stock. Notably, the document specifies that no other dealings, such as cash-settled derivatives or stock-settled transactions, were executed aside from the purchase of ordinary shares. Additionally, Hudson Management Limited confirmed the absence of any indemnity, option arrangement, or agreements related to the voting rights or acquisition of Superdry plc’s securities, ensuring transparency in their dealings.

R. P.

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