sur I2S (EPA:ALI2S)

I2S: Remarkable growth in turnover by specialization in imaging

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action I2S (EPA:ALI2S).

The i2S company recorded a significant increase of 41.50% in its turnover in the first quarter of 2024, thanks to its strategy focused on imaging solutions. The i2S DigiBook and i2S Orphie sectors particularly stood out, with respective growth of 53% and 93%. Export now represents 75% of total turnover, marking an increase of 74.1% compared to the previous year.

Activities under the i2S brand, such as DigiBook and Orphie, benefited from strong commercial dynamism. i2S DigiBook continued to consolidate its leadership position through innovation and a strong network of partners. i2S Orphie has seen its business grow thanks to its advanced underwater cameras. The integration of TWIGA video modules also contributed to the growth.

This notable development reflects the success of i2S's specialization in imaging solutions, confirming the company's ambitions for sustainable and profitable growth. The company focuses on innovation, with investments in research and development, and the acquisition of strategic technologies, particularly in underwater and medical imaging.

R. P.

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